Management of shock
shock is a condition in which blood is having low tissue perfusion.
- it mainly happen to person who is having low blood pressure.
- it can also happen to person having normal blood pressure like in conditions like hemorrhage blood vessel constrict and vasodilator is given.
classification of shock:-
- when blood reaches the periphery (warm)
- cardiogenic shock:-when heart doesn’t able to pump blood.
- Hypovolamic shock:-when less volume of blood present in the body.
- when blood does not reaches to periphery(cold)
- when blood reaches to periphery it is known as vasodilatory shock or distributive shock,septic shock.
- Septic shock:-Bacteria secrete endotoxin which cause vasodilation.
- Anaphylactic shock:-periphery is vasodilated due to allergy.
- Neurogenic shock:-spinal cord injury or due to anesthesia
- Hypoadrenal shock
Secondary shock:-
- In this vasoconstriction happen.
- When in any organ bleeding happen as a compulsatory mechanism it constrict.
- chest compression
- Airway potency
- Breathing
- Fluid replacement:it is done on the basis of measuring central venous pressure.
- in fluid replacement ringer lactate and normal saline is given.
- when central venous pressure is less than 5mm of Hg we need fluid replacement therapy.
Hypoadrenal shock:-
- steroid is given.
Vasoconstrictor drug:-
- vasopressor is given.
- septic shock:- nor adrenaline is given
- Noradrenaline act on alpha 1,alpha 2,beta 1 receptor.
- it can cause arrhythmia.
- in cardiogenic shock nor adrenaline is given.
- in anaphylactic shock adrenaline is given.
- in septic shock anti microbial drug is given.