Cardiac tumour
- primary tumour
benign tumour-myxoma,Rhabdomyoma
- secondary tumour-most common
- most common primary malignant tumour- angiosarcoma
- most common primary benign tumour in adult- myxoma
- most common primary benign tumour in child -rhabdomyosarcoma
- myxoma-cell of origin-mesenchymal stem cell located on atrium.
- in myxoma obstruction in ventricle.
- clinical features of myxoma
- embolism, fever ,Ball valve appearance.
- microscopic appearance-presence of lipid cell in atrial myxoma
- sporadic in nature- in 90% cases and single in origin
- familial in nature-10% individual arise bilaterally .
- familial type cause carney syndrome
carney syndrome cause classical triad
- present of myxoma
- hyperpigmentation of skin
- endocrine over activity
carney syndrome can also be associated with mccune Albright syndrome and associated with mutation of PRAKAR
- arise from ventricle.
- occur in children
- spider cell appearance due to glycogen.